ABOUT WCCAThe Weston Community Children’s Association (WCCA) was founded in 1981 as a volunteer organization dedicated to fostering friendships and connections among families with young children in Weston, Massachusetts. Since that time, the WCCA has grown and thrived, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our members. Each year, a Board of Directors is selected to oversee a variety of activities for the WCCA’s 250+ member families, including: children’s programs; charitable and community outreach; educational forums; and adult social events. Our programs run from September through June, though we welcome new members at any time during the year. |
JOIN US!We welcome families year round, though our programming runs from September through June. We offer events specific to age groups - from new babies, all the way up to school age - as well as special interest groups. We also host organization-wide events for families and adults throughout the year. New members have a special series designed to help you meet others! |
OUR SPONSORSWe're grateful for the many local organizations that help support the Weston Community Children's Association! They help make our incredible events possible. Learn more about our sponsors, or becoming a sponsor, today! |